Oliver Miller Homestead has concluded its 2023 season. We will reopen in May, 2024.
In 1772, Oliver Miller purchased the property and moved his family across the mountains to start a new life in what was then Virginia. In 1932, the 200th anniversary of George Washington’s birthday, patriotic fervor inspired a group to decorate the house in honor of the founder. Community members had faithfully told the Miller family’s story under the direction of the park until the 1970’s when the Oliver Miller Homestead Association was incorporated as 501c3 charity. In 2022, we celebrated 250 years since Oliver Miller broke ground here in southwestern Pennsylvania. As an all-volunteer group, our mission was and remains to educate the public on early American frontier life, the Miller family, and their involvement with a pivotal event in our nation’s history: the Whiskey Rebellion. Please consider joining us as a volunteer! For more information, click here.
Thank you so much to all of the volunteer docents, visitors, financial supporters, and the Allegheny County parks for making what we do here possible.