Many members contribute to planting and maintaining the Homestead’s gardens, but Mary spends by far the most time planting, weeding, trimming, and watering. Here are some of her thoughts after a Saturday morning’s work.
I have to admit I am disappointed that the Oliver Miller Homestead’s pumpkin patch won’t provide any pumpkins this year. After last year’s harvest of over 22 assorted pumpkins, I had high hopes. But I think the wet spring weather and then the heat did in the vines….as well as the critters nibbling on the tender shoots. Even my pumpkins at home are only doing so-so.
But on a brighter note, the black eyed Susan’s are in full bloom. Even though the deer have made several meals of the plants this year, those hardy little buggers fended off the nibbling herd and still bloomed. I can tell fall is on the way. The daylilies and peonies have been cut back. The obedient plant is still in bloom – a lovely pale lavender flower- and the soapwort is still very colorful. But there is something about the garden that is telling me time is running out for the colorful blossoms.

Above: Black-Eyed-Susans near the Miller Spring House.
Right: The pale lavender flowers of Obedient plant in the foreground.