Firearms and their associated hardware served not only as weapons of war, but also as tools in early, everyday American life. From the common man to the polished soldier, all citizens of the 18th century would have been acquainted with the items and procedures that will be displayed at Oliver Miller Homestead. Joining us on this day will be master horner Willy Frankfort, author Brady Crytzer, and local history, archaeology, and firearms expert Bryan Cunning.
About the Guests
Willy Frankfort
If you have been to several of our events at Oliver Miller Homestead, or any of many local history happenings, you have probably seen Willy Frankfort. He is an artist, a horner, a writer, a historian, and a teacher. Some of his work is of museum quality and can be found in such places. You can often purchase his wares at these events, but get there early! Check out his website here:

Brady Cryzter
Brady is an award-winning author and a professor at Robert Morris University. He has written and spoken extensively about North American history, and recently released a book titled The Whiskey Rebellion: A Distilled History of an American Crisis. We are excited to host him and look forward to our guests picking up a copy of his book! Visit his website here:
Bryan Cunning
It can rightly be said that the local Whiskey Rebellion scene would not be what it is today without a few key people: Bryan Cunning is one of them! A historian by trade, Bryan is actively involved in just about every major history organization in Southwestern Pennsylvania. For this event, he will have for his display an extensive collection of original pieces and high-quality reproductions. Don’t miss it!